Channel: Phys.org news tagged with:sleep patterns
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Our ancestors probably didn't get eight hours a night, either

They stay up late into the evening, average less than 6.5 hours of sleep and rarely nap.

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Students mix art with science on simulated Mars mission

Three University of North Dakota graduate students emerged Friday from their simulated space mission to Mars tired, happy and longing for spicy food.

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Cell division in cyanobacteria controlled by same kind of circadian rhythms...

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of researchers at MIT and the University of California at San Diego has shown how cell division in a type of bacteria known as cyanobacteria is controlled by the same kind of...

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System that controls sleep may be same for most mammals

In a novel mathematical model that reproduces sleep patterns for multiple species, an international team of researchers has demonstrated that the neural circuitry that controls the sleep/wake cycle in...

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Shelter dogs that rest more during the day may show signs of improved welfare

Shelter dogs that rest more during the day may show signs of improved welfare, according to a study published October 12, 2016 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka and...

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Select Comfort's new bed tracks whether you sleep badly, and then does...

Select Comfort's latest bed promises to adjust to your sleep patterns throughout the night, including warming the foot of your bed before you get in, changing position when it senses snoring and waking...

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Zzzzzz: Sleep gadgets adjust if you're restless—or snoring

Pillows that track your snoozing patterns? A bed that adjusts based on how much you twist and turn? Companies are adding more technology into their products, hoping to lure customers craving a better...

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Live-in grandparents helped human ancestors get a safer night's sleep

A sound night's sleep grows more elusive as people get older. But what some call insomnia may actually be an age-old survival mechanism, researchers report.

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Like humans, dogs found to have fitful sleep after negative experiences

A team of researchers from several institutions in Hungary has found that dogs, like humans, very often have sleep problems after experiencing emotional difficulties. In their paper published in...

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